
War in the Pacific Editor X

I've been working on an enhanced database editor for the game "War in the Pacific : The Struggle Against Japan 1941-1945" by Matrix Games/2x3 Games. The interface is very similar to the original database editor version 1.0 that came with the game.

Here are but a few of the features included :

  • An MDI interface, when a scenario is loaded all the views and data are loaded.
  • Virtual list view control for increased speed. Also each list view control indicates which entries are included in the scenario.
  • Quick edit buttons for entering data into edit controls.
  • Edit controls are using customized validation via restriction of characters and background color.
  • In time I will be putting in a sort/filter control(for some views) for the list view control. This will not change the IDs of the entries. When you select a unit in the list view control you will be able to get and set values to the entry using the original ID. (Explanation - Because some entries must maintain their position in the db file.)
  • All views have a separate validation command under "Tools", the error report is saved in the editors directory. This is minimal error checking and not all listed are errors, in time I will expand and refine the error detection. Also after making corrections you should rerun the test again.
  • Devices - In addition to a validation report there is a summary report (build rate/pool) of all devices.
  • Ship Class - You can set ship class values by type and nationality or id number including upgrades.
  • Ships - You can set ship values(exp day/night, damage, fires, flooding, delay/sunk date) by side/class type, update ship class info for all entries based on class from the ship class file, exclude all ships, list all active ships to a text file and selectively update ship to the next or prev upgrade if available.
  • Aircraft - In addition to a validation report there is a summary report (build rate/pool) of all aircraft. You can also view the graphic and see the range in hexes for each entry.
  • Air Groups - You can set groups values by nationality, type and ship or land based, update groups class info for all entries based on the aircraft file, exclude all groups.
  • Locations - List all bases and lcu's to a text file and exclude all bases, exclude all lcu/tf, exclude all entries commands, set hq/lcu values(exp, morale, supply, delay, planning, disabled %, fatigue)selectively for both sides, update lcu formation via TO&E-there must be a TO&E id in the formation field for this to occur.
  • Pilots - You can set pilots values(exp, delay) by IJN, IJA, USN and allied army and there is a global "Clear Is Leader" command(zero's out the is leader field).
  • Leaders - You can set all of the leader values by nationality. This view will get a lot more enhancements soon.
  • Pwhex - You can edit hex sides, hex type, terrain, transport, IJ Def and Allied Def. You can see a zoomed in view of the hex and surrounding hexes and there is a validation routine.

plus more to come...

Screenshots : (most updated as of October 01, 2006)

Screenshot of the devices view.

Screenshot of the ship class view.

Screenshot of the ships view.

Screenshot of the aircraft view.

Screenshot of the air groups view.

Screenshot of the locations view.

Screenshot of the pilots view.

Screenshot of the leaders view.

Screenshot of the scenario view.

Screenshot of the pwhex view.

This application is being built on Windows XP Professional sp2, Visual C++ 6 sp5, MFC static linking(mainly for mdi interface, form views and controls).

Requirements :

  • Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
  • Untested on Windows 98 or Windows ME, should work though.
  • The game 'War in the Pacific : The Struggle Against Japan 1941-1945' or 'War Plan Orange : Dreadnoughts in the Pacific 1922-1930' by Matrix Games/2x3 Games.

Updates and changes :

January 20, 2007: (

  • "Locations" view - unable to set suffix to zero - fixed.

January 12, 2007: (

  • Reset the build settings so hopefully the users who experienced problems with should be able to use this version if not then is still available untill I finish WitP Editor X II.
  • "Locations" view - fence post error in validation report - fixed.
  • Added more error checking in load routine.

January 10, 2007: ( &

  • This version is for users who have experienced problems starting v0.9.6.9. Hopefully it should give more feedback during startup so I can identify what the problem is, I also put the previous version back up just in case.

January 4, 2007: (

  • "Air Groups" view - data class copy function corruption - fixed.
  • "Device" view - active slots column not working - fixed, if any field is greater than 0 the slot will be marked as active, also validation report works properly.

December 21, 2006: (

  • "Ships" view - sunk edit field was calling the set delay function - fixed.
  • "Scenario" view - increased max map size to 150(0 based index), this will give full range to all available pwhex entries however, I don't recommend this, it's probably safer to stick with the stock default of 0 - 149 for full map scenarios.
  • I am currently overhauling the guts of this editor which I think everyone is going to like a lot better, especially if you have an older computer.

November 17, 2006: (

  • Made corrections to displaying active units and total groups and aircraft in the "Air Groups" view. Partially in regards to VBF units on carriers.
  • Added Allied a/c factory production and pool and build rates to the production report in "Scenario" view, I will incrementally add more production statistics over time.
  • I am still in the process of making simple non-windows controls so, stay tuned.

November 7, 2006: (

  • In the "Locations" view when selecting a TF the lower list box lists all ships assigned to that TF by id, name, type and capacity. This new feature will add to the load up time. Because this info is loaded at start up if you make any changes to the assignments you will have to use the "Reset View" command for "Locations" view to see the changes.
  • I was not able to get the new switch view mechanism working as well as I wanted so, for the time being I will continue using the previous method.

November 2, 2006:

  • No update just a notice to let everyone know what's going on. I'm currently putting in a new view switching mechanism that will improve application efficiency and reduce the load on system resources and I'm also putting in a new user requested feature which I think everyone will find quite useful. So, as soon as I am finished installing and checking these new features I will upload them, thanks.

October 22, 2006 (v0.9.6.5):

  • In the "Pwhex" view the validation/error check routine now flags coastal atoll hexes that do not have a base/beach defined as an error. It's been reported several times on the forum about troops unloading into seemingly ocean hexes only to discover that they have been mistyped as Ca.
  • In the "Leader" view the validation/error check routine now includes listing unassigned leaders and multiple assignments. Checks are made in all relevant files - ships, air groups, locations and pilots, beware this routine takes a long time time to complete. In the case of multiple assignments the user will have to determine which are errors and which are not.
  • In the name field of all views including the two string fields in the "Scenario" view if the max string length was present and then during a Copy and Paste routine the program would either crash and or not insert the string into the data class - Fixed.

October 13, 2006 (v0.9.6.4):

  • In both the "Pilot" view and "Leader" view the list view controls header and column order were corrupted - fixed.
  • In the "Leader" view when the search function returned more than 1000 finds the application would crash - fixed.

October 11, 2006 (v0.9.6.3):

  • In both the "Aircraft" view and "Ship Class" view there are now check boxes to govern which art to view, also added the ability to view the aircraft mask.
  • In the "Aircraft" view the Type combo control was displaying incorrect values for each entry just like the original editor, the Type combo control will now display the correct value.
  • At this time I will not be adding any more controls to this application in fact I will be looking to cut out as many unnecessary controls as possible and also looking for any remaining bugs.

October 10, 2006 (v0.9.6.2):

  • In the "Set LCU/Update Formations" dialog the formation id was not being validated - fixed. In the editor manual Japanese TO&E range from 901-977, but in stock scenario 15 the range is 901-966 so the "Set LCU/Update Formations" dialog will only accept formation ids for the Japanese 901-966 and Allies 2001-2119 as valid ids.
  • In the "Locations" view the Type combo control was displaying incorrect values for each entry just like the original editor, the Type combo control will now display the correct value.
  • War in the Pacific patch v1.802 has been released by Matrix Games.

October 08, 2006 (v0.9.6.1):

  • In the "Aircraft" view the view art function will accept either the standard size plane sides and tops or the new extended size based on the upcoming patch version 1.802 of the game, which adds an additional row for allied plane art(bitmap id 245 - 248).
  • In the "Locations" view when selecting a base the list box that lists all aircraft at that base also lists all lcu's.
  • For all views when clearing out the find/search edit control the app would crash - fixed.
  • In the "Locations" view I've combined the Set LCU and the Update Formations functions together, this will give you maximum control over how to update formations and or set LCUs.

October 06, 2006 (v0.9.6.0):

  • "Save As..." dialog was clipping the comment at 20 char instead of 30 - fixed.
  • Improved the "Set Ship Class" dialog.
  • In the "Locations" view made a small change to the Add/Remove routine concerning bases, just make sure you assign a valid HQ.
  • In the "Locations" view the "Update Formations" now inserts 12 for cavalry and 13 for paratroop type formations. Before using this command make certain that all fields are correct in the TO&E. I've noticed that some or all of the allied TO&E do not have the lcu type defined.

October 05, 2006 (v0.9.5.9):

  • In addition to viewing plane sides you can also view plane tops.
  • In addition to viewing ship backs you can also view ship silhouettes.
  • The error check routine now uses the ART directory specified in the Browse edit control when checking for missing ship class art files.
  • Save routine has been re-enabled for the Scenario data class.

October 03, 2006 (v0.9.5.8):

  • Basic functionality for the Scenario view is complete, I have some pretty good ideas for the rest of the view which means I may not put in all the controls the original editor has.

October 02, 2006 (v0.9.5.7):

  • "Copy" and "Paste" commands have now been fixed.
  • Scenario view is 50 percent complete, I still have to wire the controls to the data class.

October 01, 2006 :

  • Made a very minor update to drawing code, some images were being drawn too small.

September 28, 2006 :

  • Added graphic preview of the currently selected hex and surrounding hexes in the Pwhex view. In order to view art in the Pwhex View 1st load the Pwhex.dat file then select the folder that contains at lest one full set of map panels(either WITPXX.bmp or WITNXX.bmp 0-19), then click on the view art check box. This an expensive operation in terms of memory so, when you are finished viewing the map hexes you can deselect the view art check box to free up the memory being held by the map.
  • In the Locations view I added a new field called Symbol for associating different icons for LCUs on the command task bar, the only two I know of are 12 = Cavalry and 13 = Paratroop if anyone knows of others let me know.

September 14, 2006 :

  • Added graphic preview of ships in ship class view. To enable browse to "Art" directory in the "War in the Pacific" game installation then click on "View Art" check box.
  • Made corrections to list view control(lists all air groups) and list box control (list totals for both sides), they were not correctly identifying active/inactive units in the air groups view.
  • Added two new items to the production summary in the scenario view under "Tools".

September 11, 2006 :

  • The Set LCU dialog has been redone in the locations view.
  • I am in the process of optimizing the editor so you may notice some minor changes to the views.
  • Just a reminder make sure you always make a backup before editing.

September 07, 2006 :

  • Added range in hexes stat to aircraft view.
  • Added graphic preview of aircraft in aircraft view. To enable browse to folder containg both "J_PlaneSide.bmp" and "A_PlaneSide.bmp", they must both exist in the same directory then click on "View Art" check box.
  • Minor change to "List Active Ships Command" under the "Tools" menu in the ships view. The report is saved in the editors directory.

September 04, 2006 :

  • Added a new command "Production Report" under "Tools" in scenario view, report is saved in the editors directory. I'll be adding a lot more features/production info to this report in time.
  • Made another minor change to the Set AirGroups dialog.
  • At this time I am not noticing any errors except a minor glitch with the title bar text. If you notice any bugs please let me know so I can fix them.

September 01, 2006 :

  • Added error checking to the pwhex view, report is saved in the editors directory.
  • Made a minor change to the Set AirGroups dialog.

August 28, 2006 :

  • Made changes to the exclude menu commands and add/remove button for air groups, ships and locations view. No longer will these commands alter where units are based or exp level (in the ships view for some strange reason).
  • Removed the ability to edit scenario slots 1 - 25. Some people might require the assurance that no one has tampered with the stock scenarios.

August 25, 2006 :

  • Pwhex view added.

August 11, 2006 :

  • The Set Air Groups dialog has been redone.

August 8, 2006 :

  • The Set Ships dialog has been redone.

July 31, 2006 :

  • The Set Leader dialog has been updated, I will be redoing all the set dialogs based on this format.

July 7, 2006 :

  • Minor change in file open for select master location file.
  • The Set Ships dialog has been enhanced, now you can set various types of ships using min/max values for exp day and night.

July 2, 2006 :

  • At this point for version 1.0 final to be complete there doesn't appear much else to do other than flesh out the SetDialog commands for all applicable views, including a randomizer function for fields such as experience, morale and skill sets.
  • Minor bug fixed in file open scenario.
  • Minor bug fixed with SetModified command.
  • All views - Minor improvement in validation routines and reports.

June 28, 2006 :

  • All views - Added reset view command under tools, reinits some controls to reflect changes made in other views.
  • All views - Minor bug fixed in find edit, id edit and next find button.

June 27, 2006 :

  • Aircraft error/summary report will always save even if there are no errors.

June 26, 2006 :

  • Minor change to saving of error reports, now saved to editor directory.
  • The update all views command under "Tools" has been removed.
  • Save As... command added, now you can open any scenario and save all the files to a new slot including the camxxx.dat and a new scnxxx.cmt file. In time I will include the scenario description *.txt and *.bmp files as well.(Thanks to Mike Wood for the updated header)

As Always (SOP) : I am in no way affiliated with nor is this application endorsed by Matrix Games or 2x3 Games. So do not correspond to them about this application. This program is not quite finished and use of this application is at your own risk and I will not be held liable for any damage to any computer. However I have not had any major problems except for a few minor glitches and have found this application very useful. I would like for some people to test this program out and e-mail me or post in the forum about any bugs you might find and please be very specific so that I can fix whatever the problem is. I will be adding more information on the specifics of all the tools included with the editor and I'll try to make updates every one to two weeks depending on the complexity so, keep checking back...thanks

Test version (January 20, 2007)
You may have to right click, "Save Target As...".

Test version (December 21, 2006)
You may have to right click, "Save Target As...".